Marco Anelli was born in Rome in 1968, and he specialized in photography and in black and white printing technique in Paris. Research is the cornerstone of his work. Among his major publications there are works dedicated to sculpture and architecture (The Shadow and the Light in St. Peter, Silvana Editoriale, 1999; In the Shadow of the Cathedral, Contrasto, 2010), sport (Football, Motta Editore, 2002 , Pallacorda, Skira, 2004) and classical music (Music imagined, Motta Editore, 2004; Soul Gestures, Peliti Editore 2011). His most recent project led him to realize the portraits of all the 1.545 participants to the performance of Marina Abramović held at MoMA in New York in 2010, published in Portraits in the Presence of Marina Abramovic (Damiani Editore, 2012). Marco lives and works in New York.

GentleBooklets #9
Dino Zoff